How Often Does A Gas Boiler Need To Be Serviced?

Your boiler is one of the most important appliances in your home. It helps to warm your home and heat your water, spelling disaster if for some reason it stops working.Having your gas boiler serviced regularly can help you keep it maintained to keep things running smoothly in your home.

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How To Run Your Heating and Hot Water Efficiently This Winter to Save Money!

Are you looking for tips on effectively using your heating and hot water this winter? Ensuring your gas boiler is working correctly and fully serviced will give you a head start on a more efficient system and increase efficiency. Modern boilers are designed to have a lifespan of 10-15 years and taking care of your boiler will enable you to get the best from it for longer.

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What Does a Boiler Service Include?

As the months wear on and we head into the colder season, it has us turning to ways to keep our homes warm. In a year when we are facing an energy crisis and price hike, it has never been so important to focus on what can be done in order to lessen our bills and makes our houses more efficient. One of the ways that you can do this is by servicing your boiler and ensuring it is running as efficiently as possible. Boiler services are easy to do yet many people forget to do it as often as required. If you are wondering if you should have a boiler service and just what it involves, we clear this up below.

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